We have launched Hellotime, the resource planning app done right

Sergio Panagia

Partner, Technical Director

At Moze, we have a passion: we love beautiful software that’s simple to use. It’s not vanity—we grew up in a time when web software, if it was available at all, was unusable, and you were told to read the manual.

Over the years, the bar has been raised, thanks to designers, developers, and entrepreneurs who are increasingly focused on user experience. We’ve also strived to push the limits, aiming to create projects for our clients that we can be proud of.

The world of personal and team productivity tools has also taken a big leap forward. Yet, we still felt the absence of an app designed for creative studios like ours—a tool to manage people’s time on client

Notion, Trello, and Asana are great, but they weren’t made for this. We wanted a well-crafted tool—fast, intuitive, and a pleasure to use for resource planning too.

The result is Hellotime, a SaaS born at Moze as a side project, now available for anyone who wants to try it.

With Hellotime, an agency can organize work by assigning people to projects, specifying start and end dates, and defining how many hours or days should be dedicated to each project.

This is the essential operating system for any client consultancy. Without it, at Moze, we wouldn’t be able to guarantee timelines and quality, tell a prospect when we’ll be available for a new project, or identify downtime between tasks.

You can also view operations from two perspectives: one focused on people and the projects they’re working on, and the other flipped—showing projects as a whole and the people assigned to them.

We’ve also added some neat features:

  • Insights, providing an at-a-glance overview.
  • Automations, keeping the timeline clean and organized by automatically archiving past projects and updating their status.
  • Developers API, enabling integration between Hellotime and other business tools.

The strength of Hellotime doesn’t lie in individual features but in the overall feeling. We’ve obsessed over the user experience design, creating a fluid and intuitive timeline navigation—powered by a fully custom tech stack based on React, developed entirely in-house by the Moze team. In Hellotime, your next action is always just one or two clicks away.

What Hellotime is today is also thanks to the User Research conducted during the private beta. Many users understood the vision behind Hellotime, pointed out challenges and areas for improvement, and we worked with them to find solutions. This process wasn’t just valuable—it was personally rewarding, connecting us with over 200 companies that participated in the beta program.

Some told us it was the best resource planning tool they had ever seen (!). Others thanked us for its ease of use and immediacy, calling it an essential tool for organizing their team’s work.

And, naturally, some told us it simply wasn’t the right fit for their needs. Hellotime isn’t for everyone. It’s for those who need speed, who are willing to trade complexity for a superior user experience, and who appreciate beauty—even in software.

Hellotime represents our vision of how a digital product can—and should—be done right.

We’ll keep doing what we do best: building projects for our clients and creating outstanding user experiences. And now, with Hellotime, we’re also helping other creative studios that rely on talented people working closely with clients to create something unique.

Try Hellotime—you’ll find in it all the care and passion Moze has for great design.

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